
Take a step down the logo swamp and get to know our most important brand resource.

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Take a step down the logo swamp and get to know our most important brand resource.

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Take a step down the logo swamp and get to know our most important brand resource.

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Our logo

The logo is our most important brand asset, it’s essential to our visual identity and helps our customers recognize us. The logo is simple, clear and playful.

The logotype consists of two parts, the icon (lightning bolt) and the wordmark (tibber) and together they form our logotype.

The full logotype should be used at all times, but in some cases the icon can be used on its own. Like in a thumbnail, profile picture for our social channels or a sticker.

Accessibility is very important when using our logotype. It exists in two colors; black and white, and should be used with contrasting colors to make it fully readable and accessible. You’ll see some examples below.

“The logo is our most important brand asset, it’s essential to our visual identity and helps our customers recognize us.”

“The logo is our most important brand asset, it’s essential to our visual identity and helps our customers recognize us.”

“The logo is our most important brand asset, it’s essential to our visual identity and helps our customers recognize us.”

“The logo is our most important brand asset, it’s essential to our visual identity and helps our customers recognize us.”

Logo: Do

Place the logo in an environment where it’s the star of the show and it can enjoy the spotlight!

The black logo likes:

Bright backgrounds

Bright backgrounds

Bright backgrounds

Bright backgrounds

Tibber Blue backgrounds

Tibber Blue backgrounds

Tibber Blue backgrounds

Tibber Blue backgrounds

The white logo likes:

Dark backgrounds

Dark backgrounds

Dark backgrounds

Dark backgrounds

Dark Images

Dark Images

Dark Images

Dark Images

Images with dark gradients

Images with dark gradients

Images with dark gradients

Images with dark gradients

Logo: Don’t

The logo loves attention, and making it out of focus and outshined by other things makes it sad! We don’t do the logo in another color, such as the Tibber Blue. And we don’t skew, tilt, cut off or in any other way manipulate the logo.

The black logo dislikes:

Black or dark backgrounds

Black or dark backgrounds

Black or dark backgrounds

Black or dark backgrounds

Cluttered or dark images

Cluttered or dark images

Cluttered or dark images

Cluttered or dark images

The white logo dislikes:

White or bright backgrounds

White or bright backgrounds

White or bright backgrounds

White or bright backgrounds

Tibber Blue backgrounds

Tibber Blue backgrounds

Tibber Blue backgrounds

Tibber Blue backgrounds

Cluttered or bright images

Cluttered or bright images

Cluttered or bright images

Cluttered or bright images

White space

In order to make sure the logo is legible and to maintain its integrity, the area surrounding it should always have a sufficient clear space that is kept free of other elements. The minimum safe zone is sized by the width and height of the logo’s letter ´e´ in the Silka typeface. This measurement should be applied in all instances. It’s encouraged to go above this measurement in order to create a good an balansed design.

Smallest logo size

Smallest logo size

Smallest logo size

The Tibber logo is scalable to small sizes on print and screen. There is no maximum size for the logo but a smallest size. Beyond this point the logo will be difficult to identify.

Smallest size

30 pixels high

8mm high

* There is an exception if the situation is demanding a certain size to balance the overall communication.

* There is an exception if the situation is demanding a certain size to balance the overall communication.

* There is an exception if the situation is demanding a certain size to balance the overall communication.

Logo in paid socials

Logo in paid socials

Logo in paid socials

In these examples the logo thrives in a clutter-free environment joined by its buddies headline, splash and product.

The background is clean and clear to make the logo really pop in our designs.

When designing ads for social media we always use the logotyp in all formats and make sure the accessibility is good.

If the white logo is placed on an image that is not dark enough, you can add a dark gradient that fades from 100-0% and place it behind the logo.

Logo in organic socials

Logo in organic socials

Logo in organic socials

In these examples you see two feed posts without and with the logo.

Since we already have a clear sender ID with the profile image and name connected to each post we don’t need to add the logo here as well.

Don’t add a logo to the organic creatives.